How do you do dear readers, bloggers and fellow Wota-pon's, I am Pon-Chii, or Chiima if you will, your Over Lord and Morning Musume-loving Wota blogger! I am the owner of the blog Okay! Musume Time as well as a helper on the wonderful Idolminded and the snarky, but extremely addictive, Selective Hearing!
I have been a blogger for almost two years now, and a fan of Hello! Project for around 3 years. My fandom began with Koharu Kusumi, whom I had begun to follow avidly between July-August 2009 until I finally found out that she was a part of a group called Morning Musume. After that, I learned of her graduation and became sad, and originally intended to leave a fandom which I had barely even started, but that kinda stopped when I fell in love with my Lord and Saviour, Gaki-san. The rest is pretty much history... or at least a history which is still being written, I guess, cos what do you know, I'm still here!
Becoming a blogger has enabled me to expand my interests and has helped me to find new groups to fawn over and talk about on my own blog. As of this year, I have become a fan of Indies Idol groups as well as other groups outside of the Hello! Project umbrella, something which I honestly thought would not happen. Anyway, I'm still trying my best to find new groups to love, regardless of their gender, age or style of music, and hoping to become a mega fan of JPop... I hope it happens, but will it?
Hm... what else to say?
I never intended on making a new blog, I guess, though I wanted to try and be a part of a team blog I helped to start up in a way. Asupon and Mei-pon both wanted to begin a blog made up of a team, and I was somehow roped in xD Okay, I wanted to help, and it's great because both these girls have more experience when it comes to Jpop. Asupon is the expert with about 10 years of Hello! Project fandom and history under her belt, whilst Mei-pon has been into Jpop for around 5 years, and started to like H!P about a year or two ago. I think that with these girls there is a lot of diversity in how we see things, whether it's from the perspective of a fan who is new, or someone who is branching out to someone who knows H!P's history and has followed the group for so long. Hopefully, our blog posts will bring that diversity to the plate, and I really hope that everyone can enjoy The PonPon Wei and appreciate the writers who have made up this blog.
And I think that's all! Please enjoy our blog, and have a Ponderful day! Bye-Pon~
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